Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thoughts on parenting in a bullet list

  • If you are emotionally unstable you probably shouldn't have children
  • If you have a personality disorder you shouldn't have children
  • If you don't have a lot of money don't have children to get money from the government
  • don't have children because you are lonely
  • don't have children because you feel incomplete
  • don't have children to have a future life partner in your children
  • If you haven't spent a lot of time around children you should before you do have children
  • You shouldn't have the expectation that your kids are going to be what you want them to be
  • You should let kids be themselves and make their own choices on what they like (if they choose stuff you like then they do but don't force it on them)
  • You just shouldn't have any expectations really
  • You never get upset with your spouse in front of your kids
  • You don't get the kids involved in your problems
  • you don't tell the kids about your problems
  • you always listen to the kids problems
  • you understand what age level they are and act appropriately (don't have a fit that your two year old is throwing a tantrum, they're two)
  • don't get angry with your kids and then punish them
  • punish your kids when you are calm and reasonable enough to pass a fair judgement on what they did
  • don't hold your kids accountable on their first offense (explain they did something they shouldn't do and hold them accountable if they do it again)
  • don't use tv to entertain your kids!
  • read to your kids
  • have your kids get as much physical exercise as possible
  • teach your kids to pick up after themselves
  • teach them to work for what they want (reward them when they do something you ask them to do, like clean their room or do their dishes)
  • teach your kids to value listening
  • teach your kids to value reading
  • teach your kids to value questioning what is going on in their life (why am I in time out? why am I getting taller? Why is the sky blue? why did you act like a hypocrite?)
  • don't act like a hypocrite (do as i say, not as i do is a really bad way to go about things. your children will learn that the person that has the most power makes the rules, not the person that is responsible or level-headed and considerate)
  • your kids are going to follow your example, not your words
  • don't make one of your kids a favorite. that is very, very wrong on so many levels.
  • don't unconsciously do things that make your kids feel like one gender is better than the other if you have boys and girls (show them that they are both equal and have to do housework and cooking, and can play whatever games they want. kids don't understand the concept of sexuality, don't sexualize them. Just teach them shit that they need to know to survive on their own)
  • accept that they aren't always going to be little adorers of you and let them go
  • let your example be one of strength and responsibility, so they do not ever feel like they had to take care of you. be strong for them even under terrible circumstances
  • don't call the girls pretty and then turn around and say how smart the boys are, make sure they know that the achievements that are worthy of being applauded will, and things that are done half-assed will be done right
  • pay attention to your partner. they are always going to be there for you, and when your nest is empty they will be the ones sitting in it with you. never forget that.
  • never contradict them in front of your kids! you two are a team, your kids need to understand that.
  •  none of that oedipus or electra shit.
  • don't depend on your kids to make you feel better. learn how to be ok so they can know how to be ok with themselves.
  • don't depend on your kids for feeling attractive. ladies, showing your full evening attire off to your sons and asking how you look is creepy. men, crawling in bed with your daughter after about 3 is inappropriate. it seems innocent, but mama's are there for their daughters so be there for the mama (or son)
  • to all dads, stop telling your sons they aren't good enough. teach them what you know and help them to learn whatever they want to. learn with them. show them you aren't perfect and that is ok. you are perfectly human, and that is beautiful.
  • to all mom's, why are you getting jealous of your daughter when she is blossoming into a beauty and you are getting older? you are an awesome lady, so act like it. show her that no matter what age you are, you are beautiful and can have a really good time (even without drinking and smoking or going to bars), and that real beauty is love and appreciation and kindness
  • have fun with your kids! one day they are going to be old and so are you. have fun with them whenever they are with you, old or young
  • have patience with boyfriends and girlfriends. you were one once. don't forget that!
  • treat their friends with respect and kindness
  • open your wallet! if you have enough money to spare them some, give it.
  • be generous. be kind. be compassionate.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

On the Subject of Cornrows

I was looking up pictures of Gackt and Hyde on google images because I'm a creepy fangirl, and both of them had pictures of their hair styled into cornrows. It made me realize that it is very difficult for anyone to look good in cornrows. Case in point:
Hyde with cornrows
Hyde without cornrows

Gackt with cornrows
Gackt without cornrows
And here are some pics of random people with cornrows:
Cornrow chic

Is she jaded or posing?
And here are some more:
Rocking it
Uhhh... why did anyone think this was hot?
She looks like she is seriously considering seducing you.
She looks like she knows she seduced everyone.
AHH! Get it away! Get it awaayyY!!
"Did I smoke enough weed today?"
Serious fashion.

AHHHHH!!! Withdraw forces! The enemy's hair is overpowering us!
But the good news is there are people that can wear them well. Mostly Alicia Keys. But they are out there. Here are some examples:
He's like yeah.
Two out of three of them wear it well. Which two is up to you.
Reluctant cornrowee
K-pop is neutral
Very hot

The live bat hairpiece is plus 5 points
While I was looking I also found this:
I almost threw up in my mouth

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Superhero Office Makeup

Some seemingly nice lady was one of my customers today. She had an undertone of snottiness, but I was acting like this all day so maybe she picked up on mine. Anyway,  her face looked like this:

I'm not exaggerating.
I tried to be nice to her, like I did everyone else, but most people are really retarded when they enter a fast food restaurant i.e. one woman asked for a lid for her breakfast platter when it was right in front of her. I'm beginning to hate everyone I come into contact with, probably due to my horrible family situation (they are all mental and selfish to the point of narcissism). This poor lady though just needs to understand the basic technique of makeup application. And that is to always try on makeup looks before you leave the house, and try to enhance your own natural beauty, don't punch people in the face with your face.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

When you are a professional

you should always keep Jameson behind you desk in case you need to toast to someone's birthday/anniversary/horrible life event/marriage

Example: this scene from the Salem's Lot 2 part miniseries:
One side note, this is an awesome tattoo: (

Monday, February 11, 2013

Good moods are hard to maintain

I went into work today with a bad attitude. Mostly because I was woken up an hour earlier than expected when my boss called me and asked if I could come in early as someone had called in, but also because I knew that most customers were going to be jerks and I didn't want to deal with that until I absolutely had to. I agreed to coming in early, albeit resentfully. When I arrived, I wasn't very pleasant, and although customers were equally unpleasant my attitude probably added to their unpleasantness. So, I tried to pull my face into a smile, and it seemed to work a little better even though everyone responded pretty much the same. I wondered why I had to come into work and fake like this, like most people I work with do, with the exception of my shift manager who is always cranky and difficult to be around. She is an older woman and she rarely has anything good to say to me. Then I realized its because everyone sees their lives as some grand story and I am the cashier that always has to serve them like a first class restaurant waiter, even though I work in that fastiest of fast food chains, and if I don't serve them like that they immediately act like I have insulted them because, after all, they are the most important person in this scene of their life and all actors must meet their expectations. I don't like the idea of myself as a prop in someones life, but working in a fast food place, I have to be. I know most people that come into the store don't give a fuck who I am or about my life, so the fake smile and order taking is something I like to do quickly to eliminate them from any of my future lifetime. That being said, I wonder why these people view others like this. I wonder how they can't see that since I work in a place like this, my life must be rather tedious and annoying and that is why I am not smiling like its my birthday or treating them like foreign royalty. I also don't understand why they feel a need to talk to me because I can't really tell them how I am doing because I work in a fast food restaurant and I need to get their order out quickly as I am being timed for my efficiency, and I also know that they don't care about me at all, and having conversations about the weather doesn't really relieve any of the tension in my chest or help me ease my stress, it only serves them because they are probably having a nice day (they aren't at work) and they want someone to help them make sure they are having a nice day. I don't really like the world today, or most days. Many people are very, very selfish, and the ones that aren't are not my friends because I am not very good at making friends. Probably because of my attitude, although when I am friends with anyone I am neither dramatic nor backstabbing, very loyal, and have a dutch paying policy. Also, I am a good listener. What happened to humanity? Where did we go wrong? I don't know, but I know that I am not like this, although the work situation I am in probably adds to the unpleasantness of myself which affects the people in America, continuing the cycle. Everyone says that one person can make a difference, and I would like to be that person, but 1 in 30 people is actually a nice person and all of these horrible people make me really not want to be in a good mood.